this was never the way I planned, not my intention
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     The only people who had ever been able to calm her like this were her family members and Mati, and now Lolita. It was a special gift that very few possessed, as far as Cambria was aware. Even though it was due to severe distress, she was amazed at how quickly she had warmed up to the older fey. Such a thing was incredibly unusual for her and so it meant that Lolita was special. Silly a thought as it may have been, Cambi truly found herself thinking that she was some kind of angel. Surely only an angel would be able to comfort her in this way, to make her feel so at ease when she had been so upset mere moments before. Even if she weren't an angel, she had some kind of special power or aura that allowed the younger girl to open up. For the clammed up Marino, it was a truly spectacular thing.

     Amazingly a smile came to her face as Lolita said that her name was pretty. "Your name is pretty too," she said quietly, feeling her cheeks grow warm. Not only was her name pretty, but Lolita was very pretty as well. Her looks were as unique as her ability to calm the younger wolf down. She was something special and the fact that she was taking an interest and liking to Cambria made her feel special in return. The girl liked feeling special, for she did not feel that way often. As Lolita's hand ran gently over her breast her heart skipped a beat and a strange new feeling began to rise up in her. It was completely foreign to her and she didn't know what to make of it, but it didn't seem bad. She was intrigued and was enjoying their contact too much to break away or question what had just happened. Here in Lolita's arms she was safe and she felt good. She wasn't going to give that up.

     Unknowingly, Cambria was about to be indoctrinated into a very large part of adult life. No one had had the "sex talk" with her, for she was still quite young and especially innocent for one her age. Such thoughts had never crossed her mind before and so she was oblivious as to where this encounter was going or what the other female's touches would do to her body. She had a sense from the strange new feelings that were starting to tingle through her, but she had no idea what they were or what they meant. At the moment the Marino was just glad to feel safe and wanted and happy. That was all she ever really wanted and so she was lapping up the attention coming from the older femme. Instinctively she nuzzled against Lolita's chest, reciprocating the affection and incidentally pushing things forward.


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