i had somethin' to say

From the word "sailed" to the word "suppose" Legacy didn't move or make a single sound. She had her eyes fixed on Nocht, mouth falling wider and wider open, listening in a daze of excitement and suspense. A sailor, a traveller of the open sea - what could be more precarious, more exhilarating? The lands she could have seen, far abroad; the freedom of weighing anchor and removing all earthly obstacles. The mystery of crossing the horizon, finding out what lay behind it. The trepidation of being at the mercy of the weather and the elements. Nocht had been lucky she'd landed where she had. Not that Legacy had anywhere to compare it to - she was immediately curious as to what the sailor made of these parts.

A question had been asked, but the small wolf was oblivious. She was usually a dynamic creature; sharp and sudden and lively in her movements and expressions, but now amazement had rendered her motionless in her rapt attention to the other wolf. A few moments teeming with ideas and imagined scenes of the watery life passed before she noticed Nocht was indeed no longer talking. She snapped out of the trance, stepping forwards with her hands clasping before her and eyes shining. Maybe some subconscious part of her had heard the question, for she answered it unaware that she was, preceded by a soft sigh in tribute to the delightingly piecemeal and evocative tale she'd just heard. "I was born here... I can't even imagine how it must be to be out there, going wherever you like, seeing the world - were you traders? Where did you sail from?"


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