i had somethin' to say

Yes, she had met Storm-wolves before. The direction and scent were undeniable. The accent was not the same she'd heard from others, though. Aye. Naw. How're ya. It was almost like one transcribed from the page of a book - she kept wanting to visualise how it would look written down. The beginnings of a high-mountain breeze lifted her fur, gold-red locks of hair flapping in light ringlets, deceivingly airy around her intent gaze towards Nocht. The laugh made her want to laugh at something too - she'd been such a flighty, cheery pup, that the cares of adulthood did not come easy to her. Imperceptibly ankles and elbows relaxed a little, her posture easier and heels settling towards the stones, lowering out of the attack-or-run ready position that she hadn't been able to help. "It dwarfs my home as well." Her eyes turned upwards and outwards, towards the Ashened Mountain, "Even though its pretty high. It's called Jaded Shadows," she said and it was all but an introduction to a set piece in a theatrical performance: the affection she had for her splendid forest of a home was blatant. "But you can't have lived here always? Your voice..." She tailed off. Was that rude? She didn't think so. Being different to others was a benefit, not a curse. Depending on the difference.

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