torn inside
this post and tokyo are both so weird. XD. 569 words, SSWM

Tokyo lived her life in a world of smoke and mirrors. The only beauty she had ever known was skin deep, so that was the level on which she preferred to float. And to be honest, a lot of the time she didn't fucking care at all about what was deeper. Intentions were meaningless, the only thing in the entire world that mattered was action and reaction. Had she known that his thoughts made lies of his words; had she known that he was disgusted and annoyed, not proud and tender, like his words made him out to be.. It wouldn't have made a whit of difference to her.

If anything, she might have been further impressed by her leader, amazed that he did so well at keeping his true feelings in check and saying the things she wanted to hear. The pride of a professional seeing good work by another hand. And besides, Tokyo would pick indulgence over honesty any day. Why bother trying to discover the truth if it would just upset you? Happiness, her happiness, was the only thing with any value in the whole damn world. If Haku was saying things to humor her, no matter how corrupt the motives, the act would merely be appreciated and taken simply as a kindness.

She beamed brilliantly at his words. Their son was perfect indeed.

Some part of her rarely touched and never consulted twinged in protest, though, at the idea of Haku, ah, "ending the suffering" of their daughter. But that was stupid. She was going to die; it was inevitable. She couldn't even nourish herself, the barest hint of winter would do her in shortly. It made sense, it made sense for him to take her. And yet it hurt, a little, which was also quite confusing and no bit terrifying. It shouldn't hurt. This was a little, disgusting, lightly-furred white rat. Why should Tokyo care about it at all? It couldn't think, couldn't see, couldn't hear. But it's very helplessness plucked strongly at her heartstrings.

She was sort of disgusted with herself, and shook her head as if trying to dislodge something form her brain. "Yes.. Ah, of course, it is kind of you to offer, thank you.. It's for the best, as you say. A shame, but it must be done. Thank you." So long practiced at faking emotion, the genuine thing still caught her off guard. It didn't feel.. quite as natural. Ironic, and sort of sad in a pathetic sense.

She glanced down at her infant daughter, licking smooth her lightly colored fuzz for the last time. A feeble mew escaped the child's mouth, and she felt it shivering under her touch. It was cool in the cave (for it was winter outside), but she should be warmer than that, pressed against her mother as she was. It had to have been pain. Haku was going to do the right thing, he was going to stop her from hurting, he was going to perform the only kind action left for this little child. Unable to breath.. Tokyo's fault, Tokyo's lungs, a genetic curse. The boy was strong, King was strong, that was what she had to remember, that was what she had to cling to. Wedging her cold wet nose between herself and the girl, she scooted her towards Haku to a chorus of more pathetic cries as the world became yet colder for the infant.

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