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[/html]SSWM: 233

Vieira remained at the top of the peak while Anselm went down first. It looked a little dangerous and her tiny form did not have the balance he seemed to prove he had. She stepped forward and carefully placed her foot on the slant downward where he had gone and used the traction of shaken snow to keep her balance. He rolled around in it at the bottom, something else that was strange to her, and finally settled in a standing position a few feet away from him. She did not know what do to at this point and she just stood awkwardly and waited it out. Her golden eyes looked elsewhere, focusing on the snow near her feet until he spoke and she was shaken from her empty mind.

She glanced toward him until she realized what he was talking about. Staring at the cloud and trying to evaluate his question. It was odd and she didn't know how to answer, she was not even sure what he was talking about. "The... the cloud?" she asked and looked toward his form on the ground and shifted her weight. "I don't understand," she added. To her, it looked like a cloud. Did he not know what they were? Her golden eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced toward the sky, staring at the cloud that formed no other real shape other than something abstract.


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