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The woman slowly shook her head to his question. "I did not play games," she said. Vieira had once seen children playing games in Eterne and had found out when asking Astaroth. Her father never let her out with the other children and when she came of age, she began to realize she was not like them, even at the same ages of they had been. Her eyes closed for a moment at this thought and her thin digits interlocked with one another quickly and tightened until her knuckled turned white beneath her golden fur. Vieira had not seen enough of what a real childhood was like in order to long for what she missed but she knew there was something inside her, a hole that had always been present and she had never been able to fill.

When he pointed out a cloud, she opened her golden eyes and stared upward to try and imagine what he was talking about. It took her longer than it should have to see the eagle he was pointing out. He then mentioned it was possibly a butterfly and she felt the weight of his expectation on her shoulders. She now had to figures to try and see and they began to mush together and she was unable to see them separately. Her head tilted to try and separate them but she was not able to form the image in her head in line with the clouds. "Yes," she said quietly, lying just to avoid further questions or interrogations she was not comfortable talking about but often times felt she did not have a choice.

Vieira blinked to get a clearer view and tried to forget the eagle and butterfly. Her golden eyes turned away to find something else, another cloud and tried to see something in it other than a cloud. Her jaw tightened and she unclasped her hands, spreading them out on her knees with patience. "That one looks like..." she trailed off, about to say a "wave" but thought that might be too easy. She lingered in silence and tried to think of something else and instead went with: "a flower." It was a little distorted but with the wind, it began to take on the appearance of a cartoon-like flower. Exaggerated petals with a long stem. Vieira glanced toward Anselm as if waiting for approval for what she found.


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