special guest star
http://i950.photobucket.com/albums/ad34 ... s/truc.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:187px; background-position:top center; background-color:#F8BB4D; text-align:justify; font-family:georgia; font-size:11px; color:#AB360D; line-height:15px;padding-bottom:10px;">
@&#&$One step forward, two steps back, he lamented, deciding this to be the official theme of their interaction. At least she'd finally given him some feedback--maybe it was only one and a half steps back in that case. His ears fell against his head and he stared at her helplessly, uncertain of what he could possibly to do to "fix it." "Don't worry; it's not important," he said, flustered. "We don't have to play it, but I'll try to explain a little better anyway," he offered, thinking if she could wrap her mind around the objective she might feel better. He had half a mind to reach out and nudge her reassuringly, but the way this was going, he was afraid she'd start yelping as if he was trying to rape her or something. Every other thing out of his mouth was an assault on her mind, it seemed, and he didn't want things to be misconstrued further. Her utter lack of self-confidence and esteem was highly disconcerting.
@&#&$"There's really just three steps," he told her. "First, you find something nearby to look at. It could be anything; a tree, a rock, an animal, a plant. Second, you note what colour it is--or what colour it mostly is, in case it has several. So the trees now would be brown, a rock might be white or grey, a bird could be red, and an herb would be green in the summer," he said, speaking much slower than before and only once he was certain he had her attention. "Finally, you just say 'I spy something brown' and then it's my turn to guess what you saw," he concluded, praying it made sense if for no other reason than if it didn't, he wouldn't know what else to say. To him it was hardly complicated; although Vieira seemed more than a little off to him, she did not strike him as stupid. It was more as if she got held up somewhere than she didn't know where to go--whether or not he could reach her where she was stuck was yet to be decided. So far it didn't look good.

@&#&$"I've got to wonder, though, if you don't know any games... what do you like to do for fun?" he asked lightly, curious. Something about her was wrong but it wasn't in the same way that Hybrid was messed up. The psychopathic male had claimed he derived fun from nothing, save inflicting pain or bumping uglies with other men--and neither of these things made a lick of sense to Anselm. He guessed sex was always fun and if the Hydra swung that way, so be it, but he thought he'd sooner vomit than get anywhere near a male that way himself. Beyond that, pain was pretty much the exact opposite of fun. It was perplexing he understood this female about as much as he understood the demented male. It seemed to him as though there ought to have been less of a disconnect in this case; Vieira was polite and hardly objectionable, but no matter which way he twisted and turned, he could never quite reach her.

mall-caps;font-weight:bold;text-align:right; border-top:1px solid #AB360D">SoSuWriMo +529

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