can't catch hell for dreaming
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394 SSWM
/shakes in boots

The boat, or the thing that Hemming claimed was a boat, was pushed more towards the water. The redhead thought for a moment, a rather short one really, and moved to help push it with the AniWaya male. He snorted at the other's statement. As though Strelein would not want to go. Of course he did! Why would he want to be left alone here at the bottom of the cliff? If the craft were truly sea worthy, they could find an easier route to return to land. Those cliffs were not something that the redhead really wanted to face again, though climbing back up them to the top might be an easier task than going down to the beach and surf. Even now the lure of the water route was strong, simply to be on the churning sea.

Strelein had never truly been on the ocean in a boat, though he had floated out onto the lake in Michigan on a rather large wooden thing that had been stranded on the gray shore. It had once been the side of a building most like, the majority of the paint chipped and beneath the weak waves of the murky waters. By the time he had gone out about twenty feet, the raft had capsized and dropped a much smaller Strel into the water, sputtering. That had been before his main was bright red and before he had realized he did not belong in his birth pack. Even this outing onto the calm - or calm for the season - waves of the salty ocean felt more natural than being landlocked far from the sea.

"Now, if I don't come, who's going to haunt you when they drown?" he joked, wondering if they had gone as far as safely possible to assure the buoyancy of the craft. "Besides, you did say there was room for two. Too late for you to back down now," he added, snickering as he searched about for a moment. Strel paused before cocking his head at Hemming in question. It was most likely his own lack of highly perceptive skills that most likely made him miss something rather important. "Uhm, Hemming? Are there oars, paddles, or are we just going to be at the mercy of the waves crashing at us? I'm pretty sure we might have trouble without 'em."

Sexy table by Requiem

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