can't catch hell for dreaming

-rolls around in her pretty table- Big Grin
416 words

Hemming's eyes lifted to the sky as he heard and felt his friend getting into the boat behind him. Mentally he was crossing his fingers and asking the god of beginner boat makers to have mercy on him. If the other's foot went through the bottom of the boat it would likely scrape his leg up awful bad, and if the boat were to simply crack in half he would likely lose his balance from the precarious position that was half in a boat and half out. Oh, the craftsman would feel so guilty with the pain that he had caused, embarassment for having created such a faulty craft, and shame for having invited his friend into it without first having tested it himself! But, fortunately, either his skills were sound or his prayers had been answered, and Strelein made it safely into the boat. Hemming grinned wider than usual, nodding and laughing at the other's statements. "Perhaps you should reserve judgement until we make it back to shore!" With a smirk, he looked over his shoulder briefly before leaning slightly forward so that his hands were submerged in the water. He hadn't thought that there might be creatures below that were hungry for the flesh off of his skinny fingers, but there was certainly no time for such worries! The vast ocean was before them, and the boat was floating. Next time he would bring paddles.

It was quite fortunate that his friend was willing to try the hand propulsion method. Other wolves might think that was silly, but, without silliness what a drab world it would be! If they could move this boat with their hands they would be able to move it with paddles, too, so this could be considered the ultimate test. Almost giddy with excitement, Hemming replied, "Yes, let's go!" and started moving his arms in long motions. He could feel the muscles along his shoulders stretching and straining to do their jobs, and he knew that they would be hurting the next day. For now, though, there was too much excitement to even notice the pain or realize that it would be coming. The boat was moving steadily and smoothly across the water, and the two wolves were picking up speed at a considerable pace. With each concerted push the water sped by beneath them. It was much faster than Hemming had expected, though admittedly he didn't expect them to move much at all, and he let out a "Woohoo!"

Gen made this! ♥

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