can't catch hell for dreaming

;___; surries
307 words

On a rather shallow level, Hemming likely wouldn't have opposed the prospect of a trip to the arctic. He had heard of the things that lived up there, seals and bears as white as snow! It would be a wonderful expedition, filled with the thrill of new sights and sounds and, perhaps a little less welcome, the nippy cold of the north. Hemming could knit them sweaters though, and hats and mitts to keep them warm, and his friend could likely sew them something to trap that heat in. With many layers, they would be fine! However, it was the trip that was troublesome. This little boat surely wouldn't get them all the way there, and if it did it probably wouldn't get them back again. He wondered if it would be possible for him to construct a boat that would get that far, and wondered what it would entail. A lot of time, perhaps even more than a life time. For now, he could dream.

The gray wolf was not all that adept at noticing and understanding the expressions and emotions of others. So as Strelein stared into the inky water, the male had no clue that it was fear running through his head. And what a horrible time for fear it was! The wind was in their fur as they drifted about on the stretch of water, the waves rocked them gently as if they were in a cradle, and the weather - oh! it was perfect. Fear was relegated to the very depths of Hemming's mind, likely a foolhardy condition, and he took the other's apprehension as something as a joke. With a laugh, he replied, "Oh, we've only the sea monster to worry about!" He grinned openly as they turned the boat, heading it towards the rocks, "I hope so, but we'll see!"

Gen made this! ♥

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