Fight with Tools
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Ugh, who made
THAT?. Sorry I'm a bit late but the length scared me D: Also, we should probably get them to CDM to actually PAINT soon ahah.

Strelein shook his head, keeping the grin on his features light and a slight laugh airy and brief. He could only wonder how no one had told her this before. If they had, why had she not taken it to heart? "Oh, Miss Church, even if he's not here, surely the thought of him lingers. Besides, if he had stayed around, would you feel as free to paint without the constant thought of him perhaps not liking what you do?" It was entire hypothetical since the redhead did not really know what kind of teacher Honoré was for Mati. Not only did he not know what kind of student she was, nor did he know what kind of artist she was. For all he knew, she could love critiques and simply ignore the comments that were demeaning or the ones that did not offer their enjoyment of the pieces.

Proudly waving around his hammer, as though it were his weapon of choice, rolling his eyes at the ceiling. "Of course I could," he said rather egotistically. His pride had been growing with each completed piece, each completed spool, each completed stitch. Somehow the more the redhead sewed, the more his ego swelled. Along the line, he would probably crash and burn once someone rejected his work to his face, or even behind his back. Then he would end up crying in the corner of his room, which would hopefully be fully painted by then, and cut cloth while crying. Of course he dramatized mentally, imagining the drama he could create so morbidly depressed. "I'd just need to get some fittings and measurements so that it would fit."

Strelein wondered what kind of article of clothing the Church woman wanted, since the redhead did not know her tastes or what occasion such a piece would fall in play for. But whatever it was the brown hued female wanted it for, he would oblige, eager to please her as she was to please him with his room. Everything he would make now would be for free, gifts. Though he wondered if once he grew in his reputation and his skills increased, he should charge his commissioners some sort of favor or exchange. It seemed appropriate, but Strel would not know where the line was drawn from friendly presents to charged work. "Maybe I can make something that would go with the scarf? What would you want? A dress? Blouse?" he questioned, knowing fully well they were getting far beyond the subject needed here.

A sigh escaped him as Mati stated that the art would be whatever he wanted. It seemed as though arguing with her would be pointless, so the redhead let the woman keep at it like that. He himself would have been the same in Mati's place. It was about pleasing the customer, costumer though he was not. "Very well. I just hope my walls will be suitable since you haven't seen what it looks like. But you have been to the Hotel, right?" He looked at her intently, hoping the lack of her visiting his home would not be an issue here. Strelein sincerely wished that nothing would make their endeavor a useless one. "Oh, Mati, what's your favorite color?" he added hastily, rather off topic. Perhaps they could incorporate the color into his mural?

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