i've seen this room and i've walked this floor

Yey! <3 SSWM - 486


Brooklyn had to wonder just how long she had avoided seeing her mother. She vividly remembered the outrage she had felt, the anger, the fear of losing more and more of her family. She had grown up with two mothers and a father never spoken of. They had broken up, staying together for a while to protect them and finally moving apart. Haven had left with the knowledge that their father was a rapist, that he himself looked almost identical to the man who had harmed their mother so. It was a miracle they'd survived at all, that they had come into the world without lingering scars. Yet she couldn't quite forgive Salem for leaving with Conri, as if to say that forgiveness was what he deserved. Haven had left, too, to a different pack. She missed her brother dearly, for he had been the pinnacle which kept the siblings together. At first, she recalled bitterly, she had argued with Mati nearly daily, their verbal spats a renewal of childhood play fighting. Now, though, after Naniko and the drugs, she and her sister had become closer than ever. She no longer thought of Mati as stupid and oafish. Her strength had earned her the rank of Nanny to all pups of the pack. Brooklyn was proud of her.

Phoenix Valley did not lie too far from Crimson Dreams. In her two-legged form, she could cover it quickly, so the nimble white girl left her mansion and steadily made her way to her mother's new home. She didn't know how she felt about Ehno being her step-father now. Part of her didn't want him in the pack any more, for he had betrayed them all. But she felt warmth towards him and an innocent sort of love, based on fond memories of her childhood days and the fact that he had never once been mean to her. Soon, she would have to speak to him and let him know that in her eyes, he was as good a father as they came. After all, she had never experienced the true affection of a paternal figure. Smiling to herself, Brooklyn felt more at peace. The lands of her mother's pack were coming into view now. She could not simply waltz in. Instead, she would wait around the edges, maybe even call out to someone. That was the good, honourable thing to do.

Maybe, she thought to herself, maybe one day she would be strong enough to forgive her father too. But for now, Brooklyn wanted to make amends to her mother. For the cold and cruel way in which she had treated her. Leaning against a tree, she inhaled the air around her. It smelled faintly of spring, like a whispered promise. It smelled of her mother. Would Naniko be able to forgive her daughter so easily?


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