i've seen this room and i've walked this floor

Hey look, fail delay! D: SSWM - 461


It was so quiet here. Brooklyn could smell cattle and she remembered that they had pets. Well, not pets. Livestock was the proper word for it and a weird word at that, because, if she remembered rightly, animals like that were meant to be eaten. It had never occurred to her to ask why they didn't just slaughter them, how they could all control their urges to shed blood. She knew that Luperci were somewhat more advanced than regular wolves, that they could control their animal urges. How else could they devote time to human endeavours, like carpentry or music or painting? They were not just wolves pretending to be human-like, they were much more than their desires allowed them to show. She'd never taken the time to think of such deep things, but perhaps it was all a mark of growing up. She was leaving childish endeavours behind and asking herself just what it meant to be an adult in this world.


Brooklyn decided to ask Naniko about the cows. It would be a nice start to their conversation. Movement at the edge of her sight made her turn just in time to spot a grey wolf coming towards her. Her mind raced to remember the name, especially when her own was called out. She felt herself relaxing. If they knew her, they obviously thought of her as a friend and she would be at least a little bit welcome here. And then the name hit her. Geneva. A nice, strange name that seemed to roll off the tongue and hang in the air for a moment after it was spoken. She remembered her dimly, from the times when she was a pup. Not enough to say more than her name, but it was better than nothing. She smiled at the female and nodded slightly. I remember you are called Geneva. You came to see my Momma in Crimson Dreams, a long time ago. I don't remember much else, though. Her tail dropped slightly. Had she offended? What could she say, really? It was the truth.


I came to see Naniko. The slip about "Momma" had been just that, a slip. She could no longer afford to show any allegiance to she who had left them. Crimson Dreams was her home, blood or no blood ties. How are you? How is everyone? The question included her half-siblings. It would take a while to admit wanting to meet them, but until then, she would remain polite and acknowledge them as she did everyone else. I'm glad you remembered my name, Geneva, she added shyly, almost as an afterthought. Truth be told, it was nice, yes, to be remembered and welcomed.


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