Mooi bos
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sure, feel free to close this up if you don't want a reply. Apologies since it wasn't really very interesting of a thread action wise, much like our other thread 8D;;;

Strelein shrugged, not sure how to respond to the kid. They could have done without all the beating about the bush, but the end result was admittedly funny, worth the bruise to the noggin. "Safer shmafer, it would've been more believable if you started with the big one. Or your second one would've been more believable compared to the heifer of a lie." The redhead smiled affably. Strel had no idea if those things would have helped the boy, but they sounded sure in his head even if the words past his tongue seemed only halfhearted. Maybe if Gotham had made the story more of a bombast, then maybe the tone of it would have made it more believable. "Practice makes perfect. Though critiques do too, I guess." The redhead wanted to ask more, like who was there to boost the kid's skills at storytelling, but that seemed pushing it for the moment.

Waving a hand to shake off the apology, even though the feelings of annoyance at it still persisted, the redhead chose to drop it. There was no point in furthering his complaints. Simply none. Though it explained why he did not bend to help pick up the fallen pebbles. No way was he going to pick those up, not when one gave him a splitting headache. Thankfully, Gotham was done with his task quickly and seemed to get himself pointed in the direction of his home, wherever it was. The redhead blinked at the name, wondering briefly if it was a real name or another one that just happened to be on the tip of the boy's tongue at the time. "And I'm Strel, of Cours. Ever need someone to ruin your dreams of being a storyteller, feel free to seek me out." He was not sure why he offered such a thing, since chances were the boy would easily forget the Chevalier and only be reminded of him when embarrassing memories surfaced. "Don't get lost on your way home, boyo."


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