a warning to the people, the good and the evil
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... /hezt5.png) no-repeat bottom center; border: 1px solid black; font: 12px/16px georgia; text-align: justify; color: #5B2E1E;">

And then there was the ultimatum, then thing that lurked at the back of his mind brought to the forefront. Some of them may not survive. It was after all, a war, so it was likely, but it was still something that made the pit in Hezekiah’s stomach sink even more, leaving him with an uneasy sensation of being uncertain what it was that he would do. Or really, what it was that he could do; even thought he often kept track of the borders, he didn’t know very much about defending himself, let alone Inferni from some invasion. And even if he turned tail to alert those who could, he questioned the idea of how efficient would be.

And that was where the talk of traps was almost perfect, and Hezekiah moved in a little closer to Anselm to watch as the older man gave a demonstration on how they would denote such traps. It made sense to Hezekiah and was easy enough to remember — he particularly liked the idea of making dummy markers just to screw with anyone who would come around. Early warning was definitely a good thing and if they could slow down anyone who came around, even better. Though he may not have had a lot of use at the moment, Hezekiah was more than willing to do whatever it was that he had to do.

To him, this wasn’t really all about surviving or avenging.


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