i feel pretty, oh so pretty and witty and gay!

OOC: SSWM - 403


Brooklyn's beads were wearing thin. Truth be told, they were falling apart, but she was determined to hold on to them as much and as long as she could. They were her most cherished possession, something which, like her coat, almost didn't fit her any more. Not because she had grown out of it, of course not. It was just too worn and no matter how much it pained her to do it, she just had to change them both. Halifax seemed like a natural choice for her and with that thought in mind, she had left the lands of her pack and started slowly towards the sea. The way took her by the edge of Cour de Miracles, where her brother now resided. For a little while, she lingered, hoping she would glimpse him, hoping they might just run into each other, but the longer she waited, the more she understood that it would not happen. Haven was elsewhere.


Silently, she went onwards to Halifax and as the first houses of the city came into view, a knot tightened in her stomach. The last time she had been here her mother had set the inn on fire. She had watched with such sick interest. Brooklyn couldn't connect the girl who had stared at the flames and wished to know how they were made with the girl she was now. She had changed so much. She had grown quiet, a curious sort of quiet, but nonetheless, the brash girl was gone. It felt nice to be alone in the city like this. She walked between the shops, staring through cracked doors and broken windows, peeping into a life that was not quite her own. Finally, the girl found a clothing store, disused and nearly empty. Many had come through in the past, but she pushed the door open and looked around. Dust had settled everywhere and she stood there for a little bit, waiting for the silence to reclaim the corners.


Brooklyn didn't know where to start. Trunks lay opened and abandoned, but she knew what she wanted was somewhere else. She walked in the back of the shop and started looking for the perfect coat. It would have to be wonderful. The white female was happy. For the first time in a long while, she could genuinely say she was content.


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