clans of the wild
He didn’t answer her and he knew that she’d expected that, instead he’d just let the words fall between them. He wondered if she’d shared her story of Romeo and Juliet with Ryan. A deep aching within his soul made him turn his face back to his people, knowing that he had left that world behind and he didn’t believe that there was any return to it. His eyes moved on to the people who greeted him as he felt his sister move away out into the crowd. While they brought him up to date on the world around him now he silently watched her carve her way through the throng of the wild folk and perch upon a dune. Aisleran followed her as seemed to be his way now, the warrior knew that he was suppose to be at DaVinci’s side but the male said little of it, knowing that Zana would be viewed as the mother of his children unless Firefly or Magdalena was to return to these lands.

Emotion caught in his throat again as he turned back to the people, knowing that he’d done the small woman wrong not telling her the whole of the tale, hoping that she would come to understandings on her own. Why Firefly had seen fit to place Zana beside him and not come herself he would not know until he found himself beside her to ask the questions that burned in his mind. He eased away from the truth as quickly he was caught up in a conversation with Nesmed about the latest scouting parties and what they had come up with on his kin’s whereabouts and pounders over why he hadn’t tried to make claim to the Trheiclan lands yet. DaVinci believe that it was that his far kin didn’t believe that the small gathering would be able to find DaVinci in the foreign lands and now that he had returned it would take the enemy a while to realize what was truly at stake.

DaVinci was beginning to feel the stretch of the journey on his soul as he raised his hands to the people and declared, ”While there is much to come we have been at sea long moons and it is time to celebrate the return of our warriors as on the morn we will prepare for what awaits us!” Aisleran had schooled him in ways to rally the people and DaVinci caught sight of the man nodding, not knowing that his approval wasn’t to the king to be but to his sister kin who had realized what was to come that night, even if DaVinci was slow at it.

The folk of Eire began their ascent up the cliffs where their horses and chariots awaited the gathering. They would return to the lands of Trhieclan’s halls and the feast that was to come. DaVinci was met once more by his sister as he accepted her hand into the chariot that he would drive to at the front of the masses. He had neglected to speak on their methods of travel but she seemed quiet and reserved, not fearful or prickly at the way they took to their new headquarters.

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