The power of imagination
OOC: I took some liberties here. PM me if you'd like me to change it.

The black spirit smiled broadly at Ty's jests. If he hadn't been so arrogant, he might have been smiling in self-deprecation, but the Night Prince did not do that. He made his charge, missed, and came skidding to a halt. The physical laws still applied to him here, but he retained his balance so well that it was obvious he had fought upon the ice many times before. His black teeth parted, and the smooth voice of an orator crooned in answer to the yearling's taunts.

"My name? It is my title, young one! And the prince may choose his whipping boy as he wishes. I brought my knight to crush you, and he did my bidding well. It looked so amusing that I wanted to make you bleed myself." His unnatural smile curled up one side into a vicious, sick leer. His claws gained purchase on the ice and he propelled himself forward, coming in slow enough this time to ensure an engagement. He had read Ty's lifeline on his way in, and he felt that he had enough ammunition to play his games as they fought.

"Do you think I'll be like the eight, Ty? Do you think you'll taste my lifeblood?" He sought to disarm the youth with his words before barreling in. He didn't know how well he'd keep his composure, but he knew that his appearance was striking to the living, his mastery of the dreamscape and foreknowledge of his adversary should give him the edge in the mental battle to come. That was his method: taking the edge in the physical battle would be simpler once he got beneath his enemy's skin.

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