The power of imagination
Ty felt his body again fly through the air as he was kicked off of the larger wolf, his foe's off color blood gushing from the wound and spilling through the air from his thumb as he was thrown back. He landed with a loud thud, wincing as his back met the cold hard ground. When he lifted his head, his foe was rising as well, albeit clutching where his eye once was and laughing in a very creepy way. The Night Prince was obviously wounded, but it was a shock to Ty that he got back up at all, the pain tolerance of his foe was astounding, now laughing through the loss of one of his eyes. He was even so bold as to deliver threats as well, but Ty was already attempting to plan for his next strike, now that the enemy had lost depth perception.

However, Ty also noticed that the large wolf had become distracted by a quickly enveloping fog, and although he suspected that it was the Night Prince's doing, his protests that he was not finished confused Ty, was there a third party involved in this? Was it intervening for some reason? Either way, Ty didn't want to take chances, so again he rushed at the distracted foe, claws ready to tear the larger wolf apart. As the fog enveloped the Night Prince, Ty jumped at him, pulling his claw back to make a slice right at his soft, fleshy throat as the vortex swarmed around the Night Prince.

However, when he made the swing, he swung at nothing, as if the Night Prince had disappeared. Also, the swipe at nothing sent Ty off balance, and tumbling to the ground in a series of rolls before landing on his back. While sitting up and rubbing his head, only to be greeted by utter silence again. The Night Prince was nowhere to be seen, and the snow had almost vanished from the air. What had happened? Where had his opponent go? He slowly rose to his feet, still keeping aware of any movement. However, waiting for five or ten minutes, the was nothing, his for had gone. Scratching his head, he sighed lightly and scratched his head, muttering to himself "So that's how it ends huh?...Kind of lame...for all the tough talk, he sure vanished quick enough...I was hoping for more...ah well."

With another sigh and a shrug, he then continued to walk into the fog, hoping that he would find someone less violent.

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