crumbs from your table
Zana had kept the drink of the night far away from her, knowing what spirits did to the mind and quickness of one. She watched the creatures about her gravely as they began to indulge themselves in the finer points of the celebration. She watched as the women lead their warriors away for the night and the children who she assumed would find a way to sneak back later and watch what happened after hours in the mighty hall. Her grey lilac eyes moved towards her brother a moment as she watched him firmly dismiss the ollamhs, the women who were to be his advisors. The words of the woman, though she hadn’t understood them all had caught her attention, wondering why they were so interested in her. She cast another glance towards DaVinci before shaking her head and sighing once more.

Aisleran leaned backwards against the table sharpening her spear for her as the headier spirits came. She watched as DaVinci partook of them and how the atmosphere changed. She was alert and ready when the first challenge came. Aisleran and his men had spoken of what happened once the drink they called uagent made its way into the halls. She had hardly believed them but once more she’d been proven wrong today as she watched the first challenge ring out. She hadn’t expected it to be for her and it wasn’t. She caught the movement of her brother’s face as he turned his eyes towards her for a second. She ignored him, knowing that he now realized what would happen. He seemed to have signaled for the bout to continue as a roar of approval echoed through the halls.

It took some time for one to finally make claim against her warrior name. She had been expecting this and when it finally had rang out through the hall she merely glanced up and nodded to the male who had decided before the crowd that she was unworthy to sit along the warriors. Though she hadn’t realized that it was her right as DaVinci’s sister kin to sit where she did the challenge had been called out and she accepted. She didn’t wait for DaVinci’s declaration that the fight may begin, knowing that he couldn’t find any fault in it and if he did than the men would believe that she was hiding behind the lord and therefore truly was not worthy.

She stepped forward to eye the man who had made the claim, Aisleran had spoken of the fellow, a dark brooding creature who didn’t like change yet had come along with the rest of his folk because of the breaking of tradition. The ollamhs had declared that the happenings were a sign of a bloody time for their people if the ways were not righted. He’d come along because of a superstitious streak and a need to prove himself, knowing that if he were on the wrong side he’d end up in far more trouble than if he’d sided with the true heir. Zana hadn’t believe that he’d done right but Aisleran had assured her that if she was able to beat him that any of the warriors that had doubt in her brother would at least find some assurance in the title that he had granted her. She had been silent while Aisleran had spoke and she was quiet now as she waited for Uehban to present himself.

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