after supper walk a mile

Word Count: 232

In Character

Though he caught her slip up, Gabriel ignored what she said and remained still, waiting for her return. Once the girl returned, he nodded shortly and turned back out into the frosty air. He did not pause for long, instead moving at a brisk pace down the small slope and towards the much wider expanse of the Waste. Only once they were a few feet away from the cave did he spare a glance to his much smaller companion, flicking one dark ear towards a loud bird somewhere closer to the forest. “We’re going hunting,” he informed her, turning his head back to the path before them.

Lower his head and slowing slightly, Gabriel’s large body followed a small path cut into the fresh snow, moving further north and deeper into the full expansion of the Waste. He intended to find something large, figuring that with two hunters it would be more reasonable. Especially since he further intended to bring back their kill to his mother, ensuring both women and himself a decent meal. There would no doubt be less time to ensure fresh kills of such a bounty given that their numbers were growing, as well as the ever present threat of Dahlia de Mai at their borders. Gabriel’s energy could only be split so far, and at least this way he’d be assured his still recovering mother ate as well.

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