after supper walk a mile
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The woman thought everything was going to be all right. She rushed forward, charged the deer, and it took off in the correct position and found it's way toward Gabriel. Vieira gradually slowed down but she did not quite come to a complete stop. She trotted at a slow pace on toward the Inferni leader to watch how he was going to bring the deer down. She felt awful for stopping but she did not know what to do, her own strength was not enough to even help bring down such a thing. She hated feeling so useless and wished Astaroth would have taught her things she could use should something happen but his care for her did not go that far to matter what happened to her should he disappear.

She watched Gabriel charge the doe himself but he was not able to do as planned. Instead, the animal pivoted and returned to her previous position and charged back up the hill. Vieira finally came to a stop as she stared, not believing what was happening. Her ears fell back on her head and her legs buckled at the knees as she lowered to the ground. Fear washed over her and she was at a loss. The instinct to try and take the animal herself was long shoved from her mind and instead she started to back up in a frantic pace, her body jerking to to the ground as she tried to disappear into the soil. It did little and her legs fumbled, shoving her out of the line of fire that was the prey.


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