after supper walk a mile

She felt relieved that he did not put any blame on her but that did not mean her mind was clear. It was clouded with Astaroth screaming at her, names were thrown left and right as she further destroyed her mind. Astaroth still controlled her, even in death; he was still alive and thriving in her mind and she had no idea how to get rid of him. She did not think to tell anyone, unknowing that someone might be able to help her, and so she remained quiet about her troubles. They were not important to anyone else because it did not concern anyone other than herself. And for now, Vieira lived with the torture she gave herself when no one else did. Astaroth knew exactly where to be at exactly the right time in order to tear down anything she might have built in her mind.

Gabriel shifted and Vieira watched, moving out of the way as he settled and picked up the dead animal. No other order was given and she followed behind the male at the same pace he was holding. Her mind was, thankfully, a blank for the time being. She only watched him to make sure she was not going to run into him, content there was silence between them for a while. Eventually, they made it to the caves where Gabriel let the deer fall to the ground and an order was given. "Yes, sir," she yipped suddenly, surprising herself but left her features blank as she turned and trotted toward the entrance of the cave. Her eyes scanned before she found the form of her owner.

"Miss Kaena," she breathed slowly, dropping her head and gaze in hopes she got her attention. "Gabriel is asking for your help, ma'am," she offered and angled her rear out of the way in order to let the woman move past her to help her son and so she could stay out of the way.

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