Teeth and Ambitions bared

Kol's foreboding was hidden from the mask of her face. Tension between Dahlia and Inferni had been building again for months; this second declaration of war between the packs was only a sad inevitability. This time, however, the black female had her doubts about the rightiousness of Dahlia's cause. The news about poor Mew was highly disturbing, but Kol was certain that Dahlia's demonic leader was not telling the entire story. Regardless, however, the fact that Mew had been attacked on Dahlian soil was enough to bring a sickening ball of iron into the pit of the Gazon's stomach. Kol still possessed the number of traps she'd removed from the borders to protect the unsuspecting Dahlians from danger: perhaps she should speak with Haku about replacing them along the borders with warning markers only those of Dahlia would recognize. Kol had quickly figured out exactly how the large metal jaws operated, so resetting them wouldn't prove too difficult a task.

As Haku went on to state the seeming abandonment of Dahlia's ghostly white former queen, again Kol forced the knot in her stomach to calm. The circumstances behind Cercelee's and Slay's disappearance were shrouded in a dense plume of fog, and the black woman had her own suspicions about their reason for leaving the pack in the violent clutches of the Soul demon. At one point, Kol would have readily accepted and even supported the change, for Cercelee was a diplomatic sort and had left the previous conflict with Dahlia up to the more warlike Haku. During that situation, as much as Kol admired and respected Cercelee, the black woman had agreed more with the Lilium's decisions and outlook than the more diplomatic approach of the queen. But Kol had been through much since that war over a year ago, and she had no doubt that a more peaceful approach to this second conflict was necessary to stem the tide of blood that threatened to wash over all of Souls with the hatred between the leaders of Dahlia de Mai and Inferni.

"No mercy..." The words rang through Kol's head even as they faded from Haku's voice. As the violet-eyed female kept her gaze on her leader, she had finally come to the absolute conclusion that the chocolate male she had once so respected and even identified with had fallen too far. There was no hint of sanity left behind those beautiful, frozen blue eyes. Whether he knew it or not, Haku was dooming all of Dahlia to a violent, bloodstained hell. The echoing cry of Haku's final words from a strange new pack member nearly made the Stormbringer visibly flinch, but she showed only a sparing glance in the chanter's direction. The littany was recited as well from the dark lady by Haku's side, and Kol found herself drawn once more to that particular woman's image. Her turquoise eyes held the same glimmer of bloodlust and monstrosity as the Rosen's, who held the woman in somewhat high esteem if one were to read into her current position by his side. Her face brought a slight sense of deja vu to Kol, though she was certain she'd never met the other woman in all of her life. Regardless, her identity hardly mattered now, as Kol had much bigger things to worry about. A concerned glance was directed toward Alexey and her seemingly constant companion in Haku's son Conor. Kol had earned her scars protecting her beloved friend in the last war, and the tawny woman was still Kol's foremost concern in this second conflict as well. She may have damaged their friendship beyond repair, but Alexey was still a sister to her as far as Kol was concerned, and she would do anything to keep the Acer safe.

As she turned her attention back to the chocolate male at the head of the pack, a determined nod was given to him as a sign of her understanding and acceptance. She would do whatever was necessary to protect her pack, and for the moment, that meant adhering to whatever orders the Rosen felt inclined to give.

Table by Tay


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