volcano choir
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War. That must have been the thing that pulled her back. She had been too late to be of any real use when Inferni had emerged from battle with Dahlia de Mai — the injured were dead and the dead had been buried — and all they had then was a little girl in a tool shed like an animal. It had been what Andrezej had done to Talitha and his subsequent death which stood out as more monumental to her. It did not, however, surprise her to learn that Haku was now the leader of Dahlia de Mai. She imagined from what she had heard of him that he would one day surpass whoever was in charge — which if she could remember correctly had been a pacifist who never cast him from her pack.

But what was not to be expected was that her mother had fallen prey to him more than once. Whatever details there were about that Corona did not ask for and her mother did not say, but she imagined that it had to be grave enough. She didn't query as to the state of her mother's condition because it was apparent. A little thin, maybe a little thread-bare, but otherwise still up walking around and still patrolling the borders. Whatever it was, Corona figured it must not have gotten her down for very long. And then there was discussion of all who had come back, from siblings to nieces and to distant cousins. Then last and least, was Vitium.

“What brought him back here? Gabriel banished him a long time ago,” she said, for once having just an ounce of animation to her facial features. She was surprised, undeniably curious, and on a certain level, confused. She did not know Vitium at all any more and hadn't since they had separated. If anything, he had been like Rikka at some point, angry with her for having gone to Chimera and leaving Inferni behind. But that memory was fuzzy at best and the only thing she knew about Vitium now was that he had done something grievous against Inferni and wasn't supposed to come around.

Which apparently, he had. But had he stayed?


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