volcano choir
*drools all over desk out of tiredness*
http://i275.photobucket.com/albums/jj31 ... /cort1.png) no-repeat top center; font: 12px/16px georgia; color: #000000; text-align: justify;">

“Maybe he felt guilty,” Corona offered at first, wondering for herself why she had ever come back around. She supposed it was for family, for that need to cling onto it because it was all that she had. But who really knew; sometimes she wasn't entirely certain why she did certain things either. “But who knows. I don't know anything about him and I haven't seen him in years.” His children, though, she couldn't remember if she had met them or not, but she knew of them. Being an aunt was nothing new to her at all, even if at one point she had felt like more of a mother towards Talitha than an aunt. Corona doubted that Faolin would ever come back and that was fine by her, but in turn she knew that both of Gabriel's children would wander. It was always the case when either of the parents were either divided or absent.

Which of course, brought her mother to a topic that Corona was surprised to be asked about. But it passed quickly, bringing a brief, if not sad ghost of a smile to her face. There may have even been a tinge of embarrassment in there as well with the way that she bowed her head, giving it a slight shake. “No, I don't have any kids.” It was one of the areas in her life where she hadn't made much progress, though for what it was worth, settling down and living any sort of normal lifestyle was not like any part of her heritage. Her father had tried it and it had promptly gone to ash and Corona doubted that her mother had ever experienced it for any length of time.

Though, she did have to ask, “you don't have any more kids, do you?”


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