
-is shocked about the Leland bit- D: 712

Everything that was the essence of what home was here, these tribe lands, none of it had dissipated from her mind and heart, not even for a second while she was gone. Her departure was because of the sake and well being of the tribe. Most of the central tribe might have been in these lands, but there were also others that were still scattered about out there as well. Even while she upheld her duty and perhaps even her father's honor of checking up upon her sister and the others that were still out there, there wasn't a day where she could take a stroll on memory lane of the times that she spent here. In particular, Leland had never left her mind. In fact, he had consistently been on her mind ever since. The first time she had forgotten the charm he had made her when she had first left, but this second time, she had made sure to bring it along with. It was the only thing she truly had of Leland at this point, and would cherish it for as long as she could. Her mind would always question where he was at, what he was doing, how life was for him. It was strange, for one night Jaya had seemingly brought her a series of dreams where she pictured herself running after Leland. He had been running, and running, and running. Leland had proved impossible to catch, although he kept turning around and murmuring something. It had been incoherent to her at the time. The dream had been strange, but she had thought nothing of it; just another nightmare. Asha would never realize what Leland's fate truly had been.

For now, she couldn't think about the past, and only focus upon the present that was happening now, in Agidoda's embrace. She was actually surprised by the way he hugged her a little too tightly, and couldn't help but chuckle some more to this. As he loosened his grip a little, she decided to do the same, as oxygen was probably just as essential to him as it was to her (her "old man" father probably had to take it a little more easy in some instances!) As Dawali's smile had spread true across his russet muzzle, the smile of her father couldn't help but make hers ten fold to widen. Ah, how adorable! At his quip of coming out of the haze that was his crankiness, Asha then gave him a wave of a finger. "Well, it certainly better not be now that I'm back." Asha responded playfully, although her face happened to soften a little. "Agidoda, I really did miss you, though." She then said, a little more sincere than her typical sarcasm was. Before she could say anything else, the Kalona went into the barrage of asking the questions she was expecting him to ask her. With that, Asha nodded when Dawali mentioned that Aiyanna had stopped by. Asha had convinced her to go see Agidoda, even if it wasn't for long. Asha had an inkling about how Dawali was so concerned over his daughters, and well, who wouldn't be when someone's little girls were all grown up and on their own in the world? "Oh Agidoda, you won't believe what I've seen and experienced on my journey! I could say I've definitely came back a little wiser and tougher than I had been!" She exclaimed, and would hold off the story about herself and the incident with the ravenous grizzly bear in a little while. As far as where she went, well... there were too many places to say! "Uh, as far as I were I went... well, I've seen plenty up north, went across several mountain ranges, and... a couple other random places I can't remember." They were all very far away, and most of which didn't even have a name in most instances. As far as everything back with the original tribe, Asha was glad that at least there was some good news to deliver. "Everyone has been great, actually. They had a little incident with bad weather, but after that, everyone has been quite healthy. There's even new Ayules, too!" Asha exclaimed, knowing that Dawali was probably very interested in such.


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