
Yea, Sie is a table machine xD Hehe, yeah just ask if there's anything you've forgotten from last time or whatever. I tend to remember too many details about too many things when it comes to my own characters and their key relationships xD also: <33 the wiki
Word Count: 606 - SoSuWriMo

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Dawali's eyebrows popped as his daughter served him creativity on a silver platter. Right! The bull could be of use, just like the horses! In all honesty, Dawali had hoped it could just be fattened and kept alive as aliving food storage, but once again his daughter proved that she was her mother's daughter. He smiled broadly and his eyes wandered as if pointing out that his mind did it too. Yes, plowing. Tobacco fields? The girl was a mind-reader, or perhaps she had forgotten since her last visit that they had no such thing, though he had been planning to change that come spring. He smiled and nodded. The only challenge would be to train the thing, but given how dim it seemed to be, it might not present a big problem. His hand moved from her shoulder to suddenly pinch at her cheek, without it moving away from behind her neck. He did this because he assumed she would hate it; she had the words, and he had the power of making her embarrassed. Too bad there were none of her friends around to laugh at her. "Well aren't you a bright little girl?" He winked at her once before his face grew into his normal self, and he was finished teasing her. "No, really, that's clever. Your 'Doda never would have thought of that — you got that wit from your mother." The smile he flashed her now was affectionate, both with seeing the similarities this girl had to his deceased mate, but also with an certain amount of certain amount of pride. "I'm going to try and see how moldable he is first chance I get."

Dawali was looking forward to future meetings as well, if only to proudly show off the building he and Hemming had built. It was a proud and tall building, sturdy and able to withstand a winter storm if need be. He knew he could count on that one to keep standing, unlike his own hut which was falling apart more and more every day. Wind went right through it if fierce enough, and sometimes there would be this howling sound accompanying it, though it wasn't going around corners, just through his home. It was deperssing, but he didn't have the energy to do something about it now in winter. Perhaps now was the time he really should be fixing it, because now was the time he needed it, but it didn't matter; Dawali didn't want to spend his winter trying to force frozen wood to cooperate. It was better to wait for spring to thaw the wood — and himself. Dawali didn't comment on his daughter's mention of the Town Hall; nothing more than a smile and nod was neeeded, and as the female showed interest in Cambria he decided to elaborate on that subject instead. "I think she likes to visit me here, and she is friends with Noir as well, you know, the Aston girl? She came here with an injured dove she wanted to help, and ended up leaving with a promise from me to teach her. I showed her the horses and she seemed to approve of them, as well." He winked now; there was not one single little girl that he had ever shown horses to that did not get excited about them. Perhaps it was a gender thing (though many males loved the animals dearly as well), but girls tended to go bananas for the creatures, their eyes lighting up like little fires in their presence. Asha would know what he meant; her bond with her own steed was very, very close.


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