
Yarrrr, go for it! Also sorry for this wait. I've been doing too much stuff at once again ><
Word Count: 576

come dance with the west wind and touch on the mountain tops

Her reaction was just what he wanted to see, and she seemed both slightly bothered and amused while trying to dodge his fingers. He laughed heartily, both at her move, and the joking words that came after. Indeed, perhaps Mischka was attempting to tell him something through their daughter. Or, which was much more likely, she was in fact ignoring her old mate entirely and only telling their daughter things, for that was how she had been, and how he would always remember her. She had been a caring and loving mother and mate when it was required of her, but during the rest of her time she had found no better entertainment than to joke at her loved ones' expenses. Asha had inherited this side of the female entirely, and Dawali had picked up a trick or two along the way, as well. "Well you better give credit where credit is due, or you know how cranky she'll be." Asha was proud like her mother. He was certain that she would be quite furious should someone take her idea and present it as her own. His thoughts had no time to linger there, for the image of his daughter's horse smacking the bull around forced itself into his mind, and he chuckled again. His yellow gaze flew to the male horse, and there was a sparkle of humor in the two orbs. "Promise me you'll go gentle on him," he said, clearly directing it at the horse. Half a smile crept up on his face; Dawali was quite pleased at his own joke.

His vocal chords moved to produce sounds, and a low chuckle escaped his throat at the thought of Noir and her Baby Duck. The silly things that childhood brought with them was often discarded when an individual came of age, but Noir took this business very seriously. He was uncertain whether he thought she would ever entirel give away that side of her to adulthood. "I don't know if they approve, but apparently her mother is a leader in her pack, and I told Cambria to take her along one day should she wish to see to it that our deal is okay with her. I know I'd want to check up on it myself, had it been my daughter traveling to visit a grown male in another pack every third day, Chief or not." He expected Savina to come along any of the times Cambria came by, but so far he had not been as lucky as to meet her. He could only take this as a sign that the female leader approved of the arrangement. His eyes lit up when Asha immediately offered — though, to the wrong person — to teach the child to ride horses. It would be a good time for this seeing as it probably wasn't too long since Cambria had shifted for the first time. His line of thought was interrupted by the question Asha asked, and now he chuckled again. "Hehe, I couldn't tell; there were too many stars in her eyes. But she'd probably love that. I could call for you next time I see her, maybe, and you can get to meet her." Dawali was one of those who never could stand not to have children around, and he had found an outlet for his paternal instinct in his young student. It was only natural that Cambria could meet his daughter, in that sense.


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