as the rush comes

sounds good to me :3

Their customs were quite different, and the moment Heath thought that she was from just another ordinary wolf pack, such as he could imagine that the wolves of Crimson Dreams lived in, the image was dispelled from his mind. It was all very much like a primal human tribe, as his pack was medieval in form. But, he would have understood such a thing if he held more knowledge of the creatures of the past, and instead he looked on in wonder. The only thing making sense was that she was so very different then he, and that she might live in a world unlike his own was easy to accept. The male nodded his head asking,
“Does that make you a princess?” for that was what Heath would call a child of Jac (if the rogue ever accepted any of his kin as his own). A coy smile found his face, not thinking seriously on the comment. The notion that she might take offense to the remark not even a second thought.

His stomach was growing heavy, almost as if it had fallen low and stretched with the feast that he continued to pour into his mouth. He was slowing, savoring the taste of the meat rather then merely gorging himself. It was interesting, unlike the white tail and the hare he was used to, with a taste that called for another bite. His breath was growing slow, his body preparing for the rest that it would need in order to digest all that he had inhaled. Asha spoke, and Heath lifted his eyes, and sat with the weight of his stomach pushing him backwards. Fun? he pondered, fun if they were handled right. Dangerous in any other form.
“Cour des Miracles is open to you, if you care to visit.” It was leas that he could do, after her willingness to share with him. Her weapon could have wounded him badly if she had chosen to use it. But with her obvious master of the human tools there was a peaceful aura that surrounded her, making it easy for Heath to entrust her with it. Eyes looked to the sky, and then found her face once more.
“I am afraid we do not have such a selective menu.” Heath added, giving a small shrug to accent the tamed grin. He was unsure how she would like his home lands, if they ever met again, but he was certain that it held a few things she had never seen before.



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