Preperation for the unfathomable

sorry it took so long to reply D:

The forest was eerily quiet, as though all the inhabitants had paused in their daily lives to watch the fight, even though it was just a practice one. The air was still and cold, but it was a welcome trelief to the female as she planned her next move. She was feeling hot and stuffy, her fur weighing her down in her heated state.

Andy was impressed by how quickly the larger red male had reacted to her attack. The well aimed swipe at his head turned into a playful cuff as he ducked his head, her paw just barely brushing the orange fur.

She recoiled from her attack, backing up several paces and eyeing him warily, her head slightly lowered. She knew he was preparing for a new attack; she steadied her stance and watched him, her eyes narrowed.

The bigger wolf lunged at her, his muzzle aiming for her neck. The slight female dodged to the side, but the red male had proven true with this one. The force of his body hitting her side made the breath whoosh out of her, the impact of his body colliding with hers making a dull whumping noise. She staggered to the side, shaking herself to rid her limbs of the shaking that was reverberating through her muscles.

Her breathing labored, she said, “Nice one.” Taking one last large breath, she whirled around and raced at him, leaping into the air, aiming for his side. The whole turnaround from her catching her breath to retaliating was a short affair.


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