Preperation for the unfathomable

Andy loved how the exhilaration made her feel. Her lungs burned from the activity, and her blood pumped through her veins in hot rushes. But she felt good; she felt alive. Her heart felt so light, she almost broke out into delighted laughs. But she swallowed them, knowing that laughter, even in this friendly combat setting, would be inappropriate.

The large red male surprised her at the last minute, standing up on his back legs as she came at him. Unable to stop herself as she careened toward the larger wolf, she threw out her paws in front of her as she neared him. This whole decision only took two seconds, her mind flashing rapidly.

The forest was still and silent, as if all the creatures had stopped to watch the fight. The noises of their playful growls and snarls must have been loud; the female couldn’t imagine how any creature close by could ignore the sounds. To an untrained ear, it must have sounded hostile, and not the easygoing practice fight it was in reality.

She wondered if the big male thought she was a good match or not. She knew she was rusty in her combat skills. But she hoped that he didn’t think she was a joke; she at least wanted to prove that she could take care of herself should the need arise.


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