ice age heat wave
"There might be something in the pine nuts too..." she couldn't help continuing on the train of thought, "Where I read about it, it doesn't explain exactly how to do it though, it just said something about how they used to do it. Years ago." And how a year still seemed a long time to Legacy. "We have a book... we have a lot of books," the girl added to explain her sources, as bubbly and vivacious as ever - even chatter-prone.

She had some understandings of pigments, too. Clay could give you red, brown, yellow; you could even heat the mud-dust to change the hue. Blue was in the glittering stones that could be brought over from Europe. With those, and chalk, you could create any shade you wanted. It wasn't so easy to obtain the ingredients, though, and much of it she didn't remember wholly - certainly not enough to talk about. "But don't let me get in your way," she continued with a small smile. "I'm delaying you, aren't I?"


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