sometimes, it's better

Sorry for the delay! 236

Now, the bit about the coyotes being wolf haters, that was interesting to the warrior, and perhaps such news should be relayed to that of her father and the rest of the Tribe so that everyone was in the know just in case there was a run in with anyone from Inferni. This was important for the fact that even if anyone wanted to remain on neutral terms during war time, something so fragile as discrimination could start something else off. Heeding his words, Asha's muzzle nodded in understanding and in gratitude. "That's great advice to know, thank you for sharing that. A little scary to realize, at the same time, too. Guess anything at this point could be grounds for war." Asha noted.

Pendzez explained then that they were on neutral terms. They provided shelter for those of Dahlia, but strictly not of Inferni. Again she nodded and took note of this, for these points would be good to bring up at the next meeting to discuss about the war and such. "Ah, I see. Well, usually it is up to our Kalona, the Chief here, to make final decisions about standings, but coming from us we of course would aspire to remain as neutral as possible with everyone." Asha explained in reassurance to him, letting him know that they were just as neutral, and even wanted to keep things sensible with Inferni as well.


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