sometimes, it's better

Thank you for starting this out. (:

This winter had proven to be a little more harsh than usual, especially for the young Amara who had been all by herself out in the open and in the wilderness before she made her second return back to the tribe lands. For one thing, Asha didn't regret a second of it, no matter how frigid it was, or how deep the snow piled up. Her adventures away from AniWaya had her return to the tribe lands as a more mature, optimistic individual, more than anything. As much as she enjoyed her time out in the open, however, nothing in the entire existence of the world could beat the prospect of being home again. Asha might have traveled nearly hundreds of miles, but she would always trial hundreds of miles back to AniWaya. Always.

This winter had left the land sullen, tomb silent. The snow could prove to be fun and even beautiful, but Asha had preferred the lush greenery of the spring and summer a lot more than the winter. It seemed like Aidan did as well, as her bronco mulled through the ankle deep layer of the snow, occasionally giving a snort here and there for his discontentment of this. Deal with it, would only be the Amara's reply. Since her return there was plenty to catch up on, as Asha had left off with pursuing her role as a warrior for AniWaya. In times such as these, it might prove to be a useful duty to have in a tribe. Unknowing to the war that was brewing between Dahlia de Mai and Inferni, Asha would soon come to realize how vital a warrior's duty would benefit.

For now, the red she-wolf was skulking the border of AniWaya with Aidan. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary on this day, until a howl rang out clear and cut through the grayed skies. Her ears had straightened, attempting to identify the particular tune of the howl, but couldn't discern it as anything recognizable from her memory bank. Tapping Aidan on his flank with her heel, she bode her steed to the direction of the source of the howl. Once reaching that point, there was an unfamiliar presence of a white furred individual. There was nothing about him that looked utterly familiar to her, and as Aidan and Asha halted at a comfortable distance, she observed the visitor from the high top of her equine. "Greetings, traveler. You called out to the AniWaya?" Asha inquired. Her tone was not friendly nor rude, but quite neutral of itself for now.



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