awaken just to fade out
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         Once her belly was full, her lips moistened and her muscles at peak, Niir had abandoned her temporary shelter at the dugout base of a tree, and began to look for something more permanent. Something a tad homier and considerably less drafty. The sun was rising when she began her search, and was just beginning to set when she neared its end. She’d spent hours calculating, traveling and generally searching for something suited to her tastes. The Caves were an optimum choice, but she didn’t feel quite comfortable being around so many others—the constant coming and going made her a tad paranoid. The beach was also an ideal choice, but however peaceful it seemed, the constant crashing of the waves seemed to drown out any other sounds after a while, and she wasn’t at ease with this fact.
         Niir scouted to the far north, but found it a bit too distant from the bulk of the pack. Peaceful though—she promised herself to visit the open snowiness of Occasus again soon. The elegant gray ended up in the forest, far fewer flurries and a noticeable warmth about as the tightly wound conifers shielded her thin frame from much of the wind. She knew she could maneuver well in forests like these, and the minimum layer of snow felt good to a pair of paws that had been trekking nearly knee-deep in it for so long. Ideal as it was, she still needed to find someplace suitable to remain. Though it didn’t take long before Niir had found an area big enough and quite near the edge of the forest to start construction, the sun had completely set before she actually finished it.
         It started as a simple, long rock overhang, only half a cave looking out through the sparser trees, into the openness of Inferni. Finding what she could, she began to shack up the sides of the overhang, closing it off on either side of her humble abode. It became a large, spacious place; constructed almost entirely from rocks, bits of slate and sturdy wood. She had meticulously placed each piece and tied off the thickest branches with smaller, flexible ones. The small openings, the spaces between unevenly shaped rocks, were filled with now-drying mud from the nearby creek bed. It was dark inside, currently empty, but it was home; and she promised to make it as such as time drew on.
         Her place was wide, twice as long as it was tall—and it was nearly taller than her; not that this was saying much. She made sure all debris and excess dirt and snow was scooped out before actually exiting. She gave her aching limbs a stretch, glancing up at the moon and smiling slightly. It was late, but she was proud to have done this herself. And just to relax, she gathered some of her leftover wood and created herself a warm fire. She wasn’t particularly comfortable with sleeping in the place while it was so empty, but she was comforted by the warmth of the fire. So she sat beside it for some time, humming old hymns to herself and looking into the flames licking hungrily at the air.

table by alex.

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