Enter the babysitter

Whee, fail. Sorry. Work is killing me. 300+ Libri, you still have the Conor/Emwe/Lexey thread to reply to.

The hardest thing about dealing with a close one’s pain and suffering, as she was beginning to notice, was feeling so ridiculously helpless through it all. How terrible it was, watching a woman who should’ve been crossing the happiest period of her life, wither away like the delicate flower she’d become. Alexey had dealt with death and heartache more than once, and in many different ways. But what had recently happened to Mew was the most unfortunate thing she’d ever witnessed. She’d nearly lost Conor at one point in time, but she had been granted the power to heal him. There had been hope. But now, as her golden-hued gaze fell on her once-teacher and great friend, Lexey feared that it was too late for hope.

Regardless of what she really thought, it was in her best interest to keep calm. If not for her personal sanity, then for the other two pack mates at her side. Mew’s chiding comment, however light-hearted it was meant to be, sent a pang of guilt reverberating through her body. The impact was just as physical as it was emotional. A short intake of breath, followed by a hiccup of sorts, was her way of keeping herself from spiralling out of control. Mew’s hands possessed a calming effect of sorts, strong enough to temporarily numb the pain. For this reason, the Caregiver was able to finally focus on the topic at hand, brought forth by the older femme.

Although the favor she spoke of had yet to be revealed, Alexey knew that it would not be an issue. Mew Sadira was not an unreasonable woman, this she knew. Whatever deed she was currently in the process of requesting, the Koios girl would fulfill without hesitation. Conor’s opinion wasn’t even taken into consideration, for she knew that they shared the similar (of not the same) thoughts on the subject. “What is it?”


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