Enter the babysitter
Eh, I haven't asked you about this one, but it is okay because I stink and you wuff me? Mew needs to do nice things now.
Word Count: 564 - SoSuWriMo



Through the haze that followed her around she could smell them before they came. Her hearing was impaired, perhaps forever, but her nose worked, though sometimes strange scents entered it and lingered there, as if from another world. Eventually she could hear them nearing, too, and she opened her eyes and prepared herself as they entered the room. However, she had not expected the reaction of her friends. Conor stood silently; Mew had been told that he had helped her as well. By the time he let his hand rest for a moment on her shoulder and spoke, Alexey was already in tears, and Mew's own hands were lifted and held her friend's hands as they touched her skinny self as if she was leaving them forever. She smiled for a moment and her eyes searched for eye contact in alexey's face. Her voice was hoarse, because she was weary, but there was still some Mew left in it. "Don't cry, Alexey. I'm not quite dead yet." She would have chuckled, would have tried to ease the situation, for to her it was unbearable to have someone around her like this. But there was no strength in her for laughing, and so it would just have to be. Keeping her friend's hands in her own, though feebly, she continued to smile that weak smile at her for a moment before turning her attention onto Conor.


She smiled again, now, but as all her smiled were lately it was weak and not so broad as she would have liked. But whenever she tightened her jaw and eye muscles too tightly it felt as if her head would explode, and so she kept it to the smallest movements she possibly could. She could have not smiled, but there was a need in her to make sure they knew that she was glad that they had come, and so she smiled anyway. "Thank you Conor. I feel better, too." At least, she reckoned she did. She had not been conscious for a lot of the time apparently, and she did not know how many days ago it had happened. In fact, she remembered very little, though some scenes were still as sharp as if it happened just seconds ago. But she would not worry her head with this right now; there was always time for thinking later, when the visitors were gone. Her one hand released Alexey's hand and reached for Conor's. She wanted one hand in each. Giving her attention to Alexey again, she spoke now, slowly, but clearly. "I wanted to speak to you about something, both of you." Her gaze shifted and landed on her nephew now, before moving back to the female by her side. "I have one question to ask each of you, a favor, of sorts." Emerald greens studied their faces in turn, and she wondered what Alexey would do and say when Mew finally did say what she intended. As for Conor, she did not really have a favor to ask him, but a promise. She cared about him deeply, and felt a need to protect and help him along with whatever it might be he would ever need help with. He was too old for being parented now, and she knew that, but she had never helped him as a child and she would make up for it now.


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