by any other name

Don't worry, really! ^^ And I absolutely love your kiritar of Levi! :o 382

The Ayastigi had observed the markings herself in silence, letting the explanation of what she said absorb into his psyche momentarily. It was then that Levi had questioned about how one obtained such a Spirit Guide, and it had been a common question among those who were unfamiliar and new with the concepts of the tribe. She was not bothered by such a thing, however, as the journey of one pursuing a Spirit Guide was always an engaging topic for anyone to speak about. “You can find your Spirit Guide on your own spiritual journey. That can happen at any point, from when you turn into adolescence, and even up until the point of death when you are very old.” She explained, giving a momentary pause, and then continuing. “You can either find your Guide yourself, or the Guide will find you. You might even have a Guide right now, and they just choose not to reveal themselves.” Asha explained further, and knowing that while Levi was new and possibly full of questions, would probably press further about it. It was just at that moment that Jaya had settled upon a branch on the Spirit Oak, and gazed down with hard, sharp eyes at Levi and Asha. Looking up, Asha smiled and gestured to the hawk. “That is my Guide, Jaya. Most individuals can see him.” She said, providing an example of such. As Levi’s grasp reached out to possibly trace the carvings in the tree, Asha nodded and grinned. “Go ahead, they’re fine to touch. As for those who have carved them, it could be anyone; the individual themselves, or someone else. Anyone is free to carve as they wish.” Asha ended on that note, reaching out to thumb trace her own carving of Jaya, and then smiling to Levi.

As far as the two horses were going, Aidan had kept his ground, simply content in observing this pretty mare before him and taking in her scent. As the mare had taken a chance to sniff at Aidan, he gave something of a hushed nicker, and also outstretched his neck to sniff right back at her. The long hairs of his tail whipped behind him absently, and it was surely a gesture that he was comfortable, alert, and interested.


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