here by the ocean, just waiting for proof
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Awww. ^__^ I'm glad to have a Mary thread and glad to have a Janos! There are many things to be glad for. XD

Sadly, Rurik had little knowledge of his very own sons—it was all one big mess, compounded by his own idiocy. If only he hadn't thought the worst of Kiska, if only he'd trusted her more, things could be vastly different for the silver-furred werewolf. Syemv might still be around, Rurik might even still be leading it, even—it was a vague possibility, but the thought had occurred to the cloud-colored Russian that perhaps his brief successes as a leader had all come as a direct result of his steadfast and sturdy crew—certainly it helped to have brilliant London, practical and cunning Empathy, ever-supportive and loving Kiska by his side. He could hardly consider the brief time spent as alpha a success. Rather, it had served to cement in Rurik's head that such a position was simply not viable for him. Being the captain of a boat was a far cry from being the leader of a pack; the extension in territory alone was enough to overwhelm Rurik.

It was not a huge surprise he wouldn't know Janos from any other wolf—though the telltale piercing over his brow had caught the blue-eyed gaze. Such a piercing, however, was hardly limited to those of his own kind—eyebrow piercings weren't limited strictly to Sobirat'sya. Still, that coupled with the sky-blue gaze was enough to send a tingle up Rurik's spine. The stranger reacted with pleasantry, and introduced himself as a Russo—which sealed the deal for Rurik. “Well, chyort, I was not expecting to find long lost cousin today,” he said, laughter rumbling from his pale-furred chest. ”Rurik Russo of Sobirat'sya. Where are you from, stranger?“ he asked, still unassuming, unsuspecting—it would not have surprised him to find he had a long-lost cousin or nephew. His brothers cavorted around enough, and despite his father's duplicity insisting otherwise, it wouldn't have surprised him in the least to find that both Vik and Robjik had engaged in similar behavior in their own youth.

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