Strawberry Fields

He was one of the people that she really trusted, overall. Dierdre had been left behind before, by her mother and father mostly...but she'd tried not to let it affect her. Now she had a good relationship with Deuce, but it hadn't always been that way. Her mother had been gone for almost all of her puppyhood, and then she'd come back...but then she had tried to kill herself. Every time Deuce came back, Dierdre was happy...but then her mother did something stupid again.

She could barely think straight with all of the things that Pilot was doing to her. She'd never felt these things so strongly before--the sensations were making her dizzy. It was a good kind of dizzy, though, one that she welcomed. When his hand graced her chest she arched her back a little, pushing firmly up into his palm. She wanted to give him as much encouragement as she could; she loved what he was doing, how he was making her feel.

Dierdre was comfortable in her werewolf form, and enjoyed the many pleasures that it had to offer them both. She wouldn't be able to do any of this without thumbs, after all. She licked along his jawline as he reclined them both backwards, onto the furs, nudging against his chin and neck, nuzzling.


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