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She wouldn't have blamed him if he'd been emotional about the animal...she was that way, too. That was one of the reasons that she had chosen healing to begin with...she couldn't stand seeing an animal in pain without knowing that she could help it. Or a wolf. She figured that any knowledge she gained from healing animals could go towards healing the wolves of the packs, as well.

Last time she'd been to Storm she had seen Pilot and had began showing him the basics of healing. Maybe someday Kansas would want to become a healer, too...and then Naniko or Pilot could teach him. Was there a rule saying that a pack had to only have one apothecary?

"Yeah. Sometimes when animals are hurt, though, they react badly when we try to help...because it pains them a lot. They get afraid." She tried to think of what to do, her mind racing. "I know. Let me see." She pulled her bag open, going through the jars with quick fingers. "These will put him to sleep. Not permanently, but for a little while." She pulled out a few leaves, crushing them in her palm. The badger was out of it already so when she put her hand in front of its nose it didn't react very much, other than to close its eyes. "I'll try."

She brushed the rest of the herbs off of her hands, going toward the injured leg. It looked horrifying...she couldn't even believe that the badger was still alive. "Sorry" She said absentmindedly to Kansas. She didn't know if he could shift or not, but guessed that he couldn't, since he hadn't done it yet. "I think if we can get the pin out, then the trap will open. It's in the side of the contraption, right there at the joint. Could you help me think of a way, though?" She rubbed her brow a little in frustration. "If they hadn't left these things behind...I wish these horrible metal things had been destroyed with them!"


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