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Finals’re almost over! Yay.

She told him that the animals of Bleeding Souls sought her for help, and this made him smile with interest. So, obviously, many animals knew to come to her – he found this very admirable. He already know that her healing skills were phenomenal, from seeing her help Phoenix get better. There was something so pure and sweet about her tending to the forest animals' injuries and illnesses, though somehow, he wasn’t in the least surpsied.

A bird landed on the beautiful girl’s head so suddenly that Kansas jumped, but when he saw that she was not alarmed, his grin returned… Maybe he would get to see her in action! He was in shock when she conveyed to him what the bird had told her, his jaw dropping unbelievingly. How did that work? He had just herd warbling and whistles, but she had obviously made some sense of the bird’s “language.” He nodded, glad she wasn’t leaving him alone there. ”Really? I’d love to. I can help you, if you want. Where is it?”


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