Word Count: 301


Today, she was in her Optime form and her hair was heavy with rain. It was another day with nothing but wetness and dim lit skies. Nonetheless, she found a home to her liking and was getting use to this new life. Despite the present war this pack was involved in, becoming a member of this pack didn't seem like a bad idea. They accepted her despite her small stature, which made her happy. She would always be insecure of herself thanks to her "family"; if you could call them that. She was hanging around The Caves, learning its layout. It was best to learn the land you chose to live on. As usual, she was alone but it didn't bother her today. Naturally, she was wet but at least it wasn't thundering. Every now and then she would find a spot that offered coverage where she could sit and get out of the rain. Eventually, she would leave these spots to do more exploring.

Her prized bracelet was securely fastened on the base of her tail, forever reminding her of the only friend she had. He was the only one, so far, who has managed to make her feel visible. Yes, she felt invisible to the world. She felt that nobody cared. If she were to die right now, no one would be sad. Her death would not affect the world; it would keep turning with no tears shed for her. Her golden eyes had seen enough for the moment and so she searched for another natural umbrella. Upon discovering, she stooped down and sat Indian style to get out of the drizzle. She proceeded to ring out her black hair with her hands, feeling the water trickle on her shoulder. Perhaps, if she waited long enough, the rain would end.


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