J-I got tired of waiting,
OOC: I guess we'll just make it DaVi since Anna is still busy.

He sighed softly, having wished that Firefly would have returned to Ireland with them, but there was little to complain about now. Everything had been dealt with and there was little to mourn for. He nodded absentmindedly towards the leader as he grinned. "Is she up to her ears in trouble still?" he wasn't sure if trouble found Firefly or if she found it but it did seemed to always be about when she was around. He shifted in his place, the drifting cold air meeting his fur and sending goosebumps across his flesh as he listened to the words of Ryan's father.

DaVinci smiled slightly, shifting his gaze over to where Ryan stood as he shook his head at Anselm. "Zana and Ryan still have to go back and let the crew know that we are here safe and sound.." He smiled at Ryan as he handed the smaller female pup back to her mother. He turned his eyes back towards Anselm as he frowned. "Why isn't the borders not safe?" He really wasn't even certain that Anselm knew of the rift between Gabriel and himself but he wasn't going to complain if one of the leaders was showing kindness. He wrapped Romeo back up in the cloak and hesitated a moment when Anselm spoke of the new war. He shook his head and sighed. "I hoped it would have ended the first time." Disappointment showed in his voice as he ran his fingers over the small puppy's nose as he watched as Zana began to prepare the horse for the trip back to the shore with Ryan and Juliet.

He was quiet a moment longer before he asked. "Are you certain?" his words hesitant as he looked back towards Ryan, though the trip to the harbor where the boat had been anchored wasn't far it would be the first time in moons that they had spent apart from eachother. Though he believed he could trust her father he wasn't so certain about being alone in the packlands without Zana or Ryan, but he was sure he could manage. He straightened his shoulders and looked straight to his new father in law as he spoke. "Sooner or later we will all be here, but for now it's just Romeo and I. Ryan and Zana have some unfinished business they wish to tend to.." His eyes shifted to the two women as he frowned slightly, still not liking this idea of the two of them with the small pup going off alone, even if it was only a few days ride away.

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