Answer to My Prayers
WC: 659

As she finished, Yumiko noticed how the Chief smiled politely and allowed his body to relax into a more neutral position. This enouraged her greatly; if she had done something horribly wrong, then surely he would not becoming more trusting of her. Inwardly overjoyed at this slight success, she straightened up slightly and had the nerve to look him in the eye. Her eyes were full of hope and emotion, softened by inner pain that she couldn't begin to describe. He looked kindly, but as though there was something else on his mind. Was something wrong with his, or another's, pack perhaps?

She thought he seemed like a good leader. He was considerate and did not inturrupt her once, but still proved he was listening intently. He gave off an aura of natural dominance, much like her own of natural innocence, but his personality was not agressive. He would lead his people well, keeping them safe and happy while still being firm in his judgements. After a pause and her thoughts concluded, she smiled warmly back at the man; she couldn't help it, it was quite contagious. The thought that perhaps she had been too foward, talked to long about things that he didn't need to know, crossed her mind. It was quickly buried beneath more pleasurable thoughts. She would not allow herself to bring any more despair upon herself. Not when everything was going so well.

Yumiko shifted at the mild praise, and her tail beat against the ground for a moment. She was pleased as originally she had not meant to spill so much of her abilities or seem like she was bragging; it just slipped out in her nervousness. And to be told that her skills were similar to her possible future-Chief. What an honour! She hoped her age would not be a hinderance to her acceptance. Perhaps this older male was looking for a wiser, more experienced wolf. She cursed herself inwardly. She should not have let it slip. Why was this only coming to her now?

She opened her mouth to thank Dawali but closed it quickly when he continued to speak. She was being too eager, and chastised herself immediately. What was she thinking? "We will not try to change you here, but we can certainly teach you further in all of your abilities." That was good. Although she had said it, she realised now that if they asked her to be some sort of assassin, she would have to leave. She could not do that to another, not after what she had seen. Now, where did she come from? Was the Chief just being polite, or did he have a reason to ask her? Yumiko had the sinking feeling that there was something she was missing and her ears drooped slightly, more in embarassment that anything else. "I do hail from the Southern Regions, but not from any place you may have heard of." She fidgeted a little, nervous again. "I have never had a pack or tribe before, I must admit. I was born in just my family. We lived near the sea, in a small cove called Bay of Tears. It was beautiful there...." And it was, with the shimmering ocean waters, white sand, plentiful forest right near the shore. They had lived in a seaside cave, free to move about without being found. Until 3 weeks ago, she had never known why they were alone, never heard about her parents' reasons for hiding. Her sister never knew a thing, yet she was still there...

Determined to keep a firm lip and to mourn properly later, Yumiko looked up at the Chief and smiled with her expressive eyes. "Thank you for listening to me yammer on; I don't usually talk this much. You're one of the first beings I've seen in weeks, let alone a Luperci. I always thought my family were the only ones, until I wandered up here."

((don't be hatin' the lime greenies Smile Thanks for the help. Last thing, to be a pain; she has a silver armlet thing, like a leg guard. Would that still fit her in all her changing forms, if it was fitted as a wolf? I have it as enchanted in her bio, at the moment, but I just realised that enchantments might/probably don't exist here. So yeah.))

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