Tramonto del Sole

Ghita is the best auntie ever! <333 and I is the slowest replier ever... 500+

........Her aunt continued to comfort her and she continued to cling to that comfort. It was too bad, that Ghita always had to deal with her breakdowns, but at the same time she was grateful that she had the elder fey to lean on. There weren't a whole lot of people that Cambria could open up to like this, and it was a show of trust in her aunt that she could be so vulnerable in her presence. It didn't matter to her at all that Ghita hadn't been here from the start of her life. The girl had never felt any smidgen of resentment or hurt at the fact that her mother's sister had shown up later in her short life. From their very first meeting, the older Marino had been there for her and had been loving and kind. She had always made the young girl feel secure and loved and anyone that made her feel that way had a special place in her heart. Being family only made that bond more powerful. Ghita was an extension of her immediate family's safety net. No matter what, she knew that she would be there when she needed her. Cambria wanted to be able to be there for her too.

........She couldn't do much. She couldn't be big and strong like some. She couldn't lead people like her mother could, or be as intellectual as her father, but by learning the healing arts she hoped that she could help protect her family in that way. It was true, the cut that her aunt had suffered would have likely healed fine on its own, but Cambi had insisted because she wanted to do her part. She wanted to make sure that Ghita was protected from things that could make her sick. By doing that, she wasn't only protecting her aunt, but by extension the rest of the family as well. If the woman got sick, then the rest of the family would worry over her and be sad and scared that she might get worse. Hopefully, by making sure that Ghita was healed and taken care of, she could spare them all that trouble. Cambria wanted to protect and love her family and this was the avenue in which she could do that. Even if she complained, she thought that Ghita could understand that driving force.

........The older wolf shifted, her turquoise eyes meeting Cambi's own of sea green. She saw such depth in that gaze that she knew that her aunt was as deep and vast and mysterious as the ocean. There was much that she might never know about the woman, but what she did know was all she really needed to know. That Ghita loved her, and wanted to help and protect her. That she wanted them to be close and to never let space come between them. Their bond was deepening with each moment, and the girl could appreciate that no matter how much pain they both had felt, at least something positive was coming from it. It was bringing the aunt and niece closer together, and Cambria couldn't ever be upset about that. She listened carefully to the words that flowed like a stream from Ghita, taking them in and holding them inside, wrapping them like a bandage around her own bleeding heart.

........What was told to her made sense, and was actually a more comforting notion than she thought it might be. There was still many hurdles for her to overcome when it came to this subject, but knowing that Ghita and her parents and siblings and uncle Jazper were behind her and would help her made it seem like a much less daunting task. Leaning forward, Cambria nuzzled her muzzle against her aunt's, tears having ceased and taking a deep breath. "Ringraziarla la Zietta, che significa così molto a me." Then, softly, she added, "L'amo la Zietta." The ache in her chest had dulled now, numbed by Ghita's wise words, support, and love.


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