Between Breaths

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With her small and nondescript reply her unease did not go unnoticed by her friend. But, his question was something that she had hoped to ask him. Though now she wondered if she had simply imagined his unhappiness. Though, she could not understand if it was she who simply feared being upset for him. He was something to her, something that she could not describe or place. A friend, yes for certain. But, their bond sunk deeper. Despite the silence that lingered around them, and the insecurity that they each held for one another. Anu did not know what to say, and her natural calm and collected persona was beginning to crumble in front of him.

Honesty, the one thing that Anu would forever respect, preach and hold herself was needed now. Even if it was exposing and hard to find at times. "I don't mean to reopen every wound you once had." A pause came, and then she spoke with soft words, "I don't believe you are made of stone." He wasn't impenetrable, he could be hurt, had been and Anu did not wish to ever bring anything to light that might do so again.


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