Inside you know an empire of soul
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       He saw the worry on the other wolf's face and he wished that there was more that he could do to help. Unfortunately though he had run into probably the least knowledgeable AniWayan as far as it came to the area surrounding the tribe. Anyone else would have surely known exactly where this Halifax was, but Nayati was ignorant. Even if he had known it was a city he wouldn't have known where it was. On his trek here he had of course passed the area, but he had been far enough away from it to see the crumbling buildings that still clawed at the great sky. Though it certainly hadn't helped that he had had blinders on from his excitement of being so close to the other extension of the tribe. His mind and eyes had been on a single track ever since traversing the mountains and entering the peninsula. He was about to speak again to offer whatever assistance he could offer, but a smile came back to the multi-hued male and Nayati began to feel a little less useless.

       "Yes, well, still I wish I could be of better help," he said, pondering a moment more. "If you desired you could stay here for the night and then try to find your way again tomorrow?" It wasn't an offer that he would readily make always, but Anatoliy didn't seem to be the devious type. Surely if he were Onawa would alert him. He had not in fact heard of Russia, but the notion that the wide ocean could be traversed was immensely interesting to him. "Sadly I do not, but I must say I am impressed. I wasn't aware that the ocean could be crossed. Is it dangerous to do so?" Large ships were not something the Utina was familiar with. The only water vessels he knew were canoes and they would not do on the open and powerful sea.

       As long as they were respectful and genuinely curious, Nayati was always willing to speak of his tribe to outsiders. Smiling he tried to think of the best way to describe his people. "We are a tribe that follows a certain way of life and looking at the world. All of our members have a Spirit Guide, just as Onawa here is mine," he said nodding to the feline. "They are not all pumas though, but take on whatever form suits them. Our Kalona's, or Chief's, Guide is an eagle. They help to show us the right path in life and to live in a respectable and honorable manner." It was a simple explanation for such a profound and sacred thing, but he thought it would get the main point across. "We believe that all life is sacred, and that we are all related. Not only to our fellow members, but to the animals we share this world with as well."


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