Inside you know an empire of soul
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lol! XD 500+

       Nayati could not help but let his eyes widen at Anatoliy's explanation of his unintended journey to these lands. To be at the mercy of the ocean and not even be particularly prepared for the voyage seemed an even more impressive feat, and it had already been plenty impressive enough. He paid no mind to the other's slightly shaky and broken English. He was far too intrigued by the male's story to let such a little nuisance get to him, but also it would not be meet to critique him. In fact, it would be quite rude. Nayati would never dream of offending or embarrassing someone in such a way. "I must remind myself to never fall asleep on a ship near water then. I doubt my luck would be so much as yours." Not to mention the idea of be carried away from all he knew and loved frightened him to his core.

       The man couldn't help but heave a small sigh of relief when he heard that Anatoliy wasn't alone here. There were few things that he found more unsettling than being on your own wholly and completely. Nayati was never truly alone, not with Onawa, and he much preferred to keep it that way. Chuckling along with the younger man he said, "A very happy accident though." There were a couple more questions that rose up from this revelation though. "But, what was your family doing here? Aren't they also from Russia? Also, what is a city?" The tribesman had never heard that word before, nor set eyes upon one of the humans' old behemoth settlements of stone and glass. The reasons that Anatoliy gave for his culture's use of boats made sense. Nayati's people had always been landlocked, and so had no need or ability to travel by water. They had horses to help them traverse the land. "This makes sense. My people, where we come from originally, we are not near the sea and only really travel on land. Do you ride horses in Russia? We have many horses." Perhaps they did not, just as AniWayans had no sea worthy boats.

       "Hmmm, no, I do not believe so. If you don't find it then, then it just means that it is not the right time. The Guide only reveals themselves when you are ready and the time is proper." It wasn't often that people did find them when they went on their first journey, but it also wasn't unheard of. Still, Nayati had never come across an instance where someone had never managed to find their Guide. "They reveal themselves to you, visually and verbally, though no one else may be able to hear or see them. That is up to the discretion of the Guide." He was about to explain that Onawa's voice wasn't in his head (and he had never heard of mushrooms), when the puma Spirit spoke for herself, projecting her voice so that Anatoliy could hear her as well. "We speak as any creature of the flesh does, but we do not not always allow others to hear us." Nayati grinned down at her, eager to see the Russian's reaction to her.

       The Utina became slightly uncomfortable when Anatoliy questioned how his own journey had gone. It was a highly personal thing, but of course the other would not necessarily know this. " not feel comfortable speaking of the details of my journey. It is a highly personal and private thing." His voice wasn't harsh, only trying to explain why he did not wish to speak in depth on the topic.


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